What is The MWL Exchange?
The MWL Exchange provides an opportunity for MWL members across the state and beyond, to engage with one another, share resources and ideas, and build meaningful relationships. MWL members are also invited to join and participate in online communities specific to MWL Affinity Groups, Chapters, Committees and other leadership groups, as a way to get involved with MWL and advance our mission. Finally, MWL members may further their own professional network by connecting one on one via the MWL Member Directory and inbox messaging system.
Take a tour of The MWL Exchange site:
All Member Forum
The All Member Forum is an open forum for all MWL members to gather and discuss general topics. Please note: all posts in the All Member Forum will be visible to ALL MWL members.
My Communities
My Communities are just that - YOUR communities! These are communities that you have joined.
All Communities
This page lists all the MWL Communities you have access to. Feel free to explore and join any of these communities that are of interest to you!
Member Directory
The Member Directory is a great way to make connections with other MWL members and to grow your network. You can learn more about your fellow MWL members through the Member Directory. Take a few minutes to review your own MWL Directory profile at My Community Profile. Feel free to update your contact information, bio details and privacy settings.
Discussion Posts
Discussion Posts will show you ongoing conversations in communities you have joined. You can reply to any of these discussions to join the conversation.
Library Entries
Some MWL Communities will include a Library where files can be uploaded. You can upload a file to a Library here. Please review our Terms and Conditions before posting a file to any community Library.
Ready to start connecting? Visit the
Getting Started page for more information.
Still have questions? Please visit our
FAQ page!